Tuesday 18 October 2016

How To Eliminate Breakouts

Hi guys, hope you had a fantastic weekend. Today I'm sharing some tips on how to eliminate breakouts. Unfortunately breaking out in acne or spots from time to time is part of life, it can be related to lifestyle, not getting enough shut eye, stress, poor diet or certain hormonal times of the month! These are some things I started to do a few months back that I have noticed make a little difference to the amount of breakouts I get. 

1) Wash Makeup Brushes Regularly 

I'm sure the majority of makeup lovers already know about this one but it's so important. I generally wash my brushes every week and a half, sometimes even more depending on how often I wear makeup. Washing brushes gets rid of old makeup and bacteria that can clog pores which lead to breakouts. 

2) Change Pillow Cases Once A Week

Again this is one I'm sure a lot of people might not think about, I know I didn't! Our pillows harvest bacteria, whether it be sudocrem we put on a few spots and smeared all over the pillow a few nights ago, to our drool ( don't deny you do it too ) and then even the germs and dirt our hair picks up from our daily lives. 

3) Clean Phone Screen 

This was one that made such a difference to my skin and it disgusts me to think of all the bacteria I was letting get on my skin. We touch our phones all the time with our hands that are also touching everything else so naturally they transfer germs. Along with allowing other people to make a call or send a text message. I use a small dap of hand sanitiser I got in Penneys and apply it using a cotton pad just over the screen. 

4) Don't Touch Your Face 

I still have trouble with this, I'm such a face toucher especially when I'm nervous, but think of all the bacteria that you spread onto your face which could cause breakouts. 

5) Invest In A Good Skincare Routine 

A good skincare routine that actually works for you and your skin is key. I'm currently still searching for that perfect skincare regime that'll have my skin as clear as water. 
So those are my top tips for eliminating breakouts. If you have any more tips please share them in the comment section, as always I'd love to here from you. Please follow/subscribe to my blog if you haven't it'd mean so much. Until next time X


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